Our Work
Mona Investment
म्याग्दी जिल्लामा प्रचुर सम्भावना जस्तै धार्मिक पर्यटकिय क्षेत्र, तातोपानि कुण्डको स्तर बृर्दि, पर्यटन प्रर्बद्धन, जडिबुटि उत्पादन तथा पैठारी, आधुनिक कृर्षि, बैज्ञानिक पशुपालन र हाइड्रोपावर लाई आर्थिक बिकासको रुपमा बिकसित गर्न सकिने छ । प्रवासी म्याग्देलीहरुको [...]
Galeshwor Bridhhasharam
Some of the glimpse of our Galeshwor Bridhhasharam which is located in myagdi districts.
Mission Of Myagdi WIFI
Nepal Wireless Networking Project is a not-for-profit making initiative running in the rural areas of Nepal since 2002. It was started to find ways to bridge digital divide between urban and rural areas of Nepal [...]